5 Signs You’re Stuck in a Diet Mentality (and How to Break Free)
Let’s be real—breaking free from the grips of diet culture isn’t a one-and-done situation. Even for those of us on the intuitive eating journey, the food police can still pop into our heads every now and then, whispering things like, “You shouldn’t eat that,” or, “You haven’t earned that meal.” I’ve been there, and maybe you have too.
I’m sharing this because I want you to know that it’s normal to have those moments where diet mentality sneaks in. But the key is recognizing it, so you can call it out for what it is: an outdated belief system that doesn’t serve you anymore. You’re human, and you’re learning, and that’s okay.
So, how do you know if you’re still stuck in a diet mentality? Here are five signs to look out for—and the steps you can take to break free and embrace true food freedom.
1. You Feel Guilty After Eating Certain Foods
Do you ever feel guilty after enjoying a slice of cake or ordering fries with your lunch? That guilt is a major red flag of diet mentality. It’s the old belief that certain foods are "good" or "bad" and that you’re "better" or "worse" based on what you eat.
What to Do:
Start by reminding yourself that food has no moral value. Instead of labeling food as “good” or “bad”, try to think of it as neutral. Ask yourself: “How does this food make me feel? Does it energize me? Does it bring me joy?”. Focusing on how your body and mind respond to food can help shift the narrative from guilt to self-awareness.
2. You Have “Cheat Days”
If you’re still saving up for a “cheat day” or planning to indulge after being “good” all week, that’s diet mentality talking. The idea that you need to “earn” your food or reward yourself after restriction is a classic dieting behavior.
What to Do:
There’s no need to restrict or reward yourself with food. Every day is an opportunity to enjoy the foods you love. Try giving yourself unconditional permission to eat whatever sounds good, whenever it sounds good. The more you allow yourself to enjoy all foods without restriction, the less likely you’ll feel the need to “cheat.”
3. You Measure Your Worth by the Scale
Do you find yourself stepping on the scale first thing in the morning to determine how you’ll feel about yourself for the rest of the day? (been there, done that!). If the number is lower, you’re happy; if it’s higher, you feel defeated. This is a huge indicator that diet mentality is still in control.
What to Do:
Consider taking a break from the scale entirely. Focus instead on non-scale victories (read more here): How do you feel in your body? Are you energized? Are you enjoying life? These are the things that truly matter. Remember, your worth has nothing to do with a number on the scale. And if you feel comfortable, get rid of the scale completely.
4. You’re Still Counting Calories or Tracking Food
Counting calories, points, or macros? This type of tracking can keep you stuck in a restrictive mindset, where food becomes a math equation rather than nourishment. It’s another sign of lingering diet culture, making you rely on external rules instead of listening to your body’s cues.
What to Do:
It’s time to say goodbye to calorie-counting apps! Start tuning into your body’s signals—are you hungry, satisfied, or full? Keep a journal of how your body feels before and after eating, NOT what you ate or how many calories you consumed. This can help you reconnect with your hunger and fullness cues instead of numbers.
5. You Avoid Social Situations Because of Food Anxiety
Do you avoid going out with friends or attending family gatherings because you’re worried about what you’ll eat? Do you stress about whether there will be “healthy” options or feel anxious if the food doesn’t fit into your diet plan? That’s the diet mentality creeping in, robbing you of life’s joyful experiences.
What to Do:
Give yourself permission to enjoy social situations without stressing over food. Remind yourself that one meal or one night out isn’t going to derail your health. Focus on the memories, the connection, and the experience—those are far more nourishing than any perfectly “clean” meal.
Breaking Free From Diet Mentality: A Work in Progress
Here’s the truth: letting go of diet mentality isn’t easy, and it doesn’t happen overnight. I still have days when those old thoughts come up, and I’m tempted to fall back into old habits. But each time, I use those moments as opportunities to strengthen my intuitive eating practice. I remind myself that this is a journey, not a destination. Or for my running brain: this is a marathon, not a sprint.
And guess what? You can do the same. Whenever you catch yourself slipping into diet culture thinking, give yourself some grace. You’re human, and you’re learning. The more you practice recognizing and challenging these thoughts, the more empowered you’ll feel to create a peaceful, guilt-free relationship with food.
Quick Checklist: Are You Stuck in a Diet Mentality?
Do you feel guilty after eating certain foods?
Do you rely on “cheat days” to indulge?
Do you check the scale regularly to determine your self-worth?
Do you count calories, points, or track your food in detail?
Do you avoid social events because of anxiety over food?
If you answered “yes” to any of these, it’s okay! Recognizing these behaviors is the first step toward breaking free. You don’t have to live in the confines of diet culture anymore. Take it one day at a time, and remember, food freedom is within reach.