Get Outside and Show Your Skin Some Love

ecoutay, ecoutaywellness, ecoutay wellness, health coaching, intuitive eating


After all the rain in California, I was so happy to see the sun today during my morning run and it got me thinking about the health benefits of sunlight and Vitamin D:

  •  Sunlight on bare skin allows the body to synthesize Vitamin D - helps the body absorb and retain calcium and phosphorous for bone growth

  •  Vitamin D helps the immune system resist bacteria and viruses

  •  Stimulation of the retina by sunlight sends signals to the brain to produce serotonin (aka happiness hormone)

  •  Sunlight regulates your circadian rhythm by telling your body when to increase or decrease your melatonin (aka sleep hormone) levels; the brighter the daylight exposure, the more melatonin you produce at night

(NOTE: we should also be protecting our skin with SPF when we are outside so be sure to talk to your dermatologist )

What are your thoughts on the benefits of sunlight and Vitamin D? Comment below and share your favorite ways to enjoy the sunshine!


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