Savoring Every Bite of Your Favorite Holiday Treats
The holidays are here, and that means all those once-a-year treats are, too! Think sugar cookies, apple pie, and that amazing seafood meal my family only makes on Christmas Eve. There’s something so special about holiday food, isn’t there? The sights, the smells, the memories that come flooding back… I love it all!
But let’s be real: I know I’m not the only one who sometimes hesitates when reaching for that second helping or an extra cookie. There's that little voice that pops up, reminding me to "be good" or that "I shouldn’t have too much." Ugh! So, this season, I’m trying something new: I’m going to embrace my holiday favorites with intention and joy—without the guilt trip. Here’s how I’m planning to savor every bite, and maybe these tips will bring you a bit of holiday joy, too!
1. Create a Cozy Spot to Savor
First things first, I’m learning to make a little ritual out of enjoying holiday treats. Instead of nibbling on the go or scrolling through my phone, I take a moment to sit down with my treat on a real plate. I get comfortable, breathe in the deliciousness, and just let myself be there. It’s a little like a “thank you” to the food and to myself, reminding me to slow down and enjoy each bite.
2. Look, Smell, and Taste
Before I dig in, I take a second to appreciate the treat. Have you ever noticed the little sugar crystals on a cookie or the way warm pie smells? It's amazing how much satisfaction you can get from just noticing these details. This pause helps me stay present and lets me get the most out of every bite.
3. Take Smaller Bites, Go Slower
So, I used to inhale my favorite treats and realize afterward that I barely tasted them! This season, I’m taking it slow. I go for smaller bites and let them linger a bit longer. It’s like giving my taste buds a chance to fully appreciate what I’m eating. Trust me, it makes each bite feel extra special (and I don’t need to eat as much to feel satisfied!).
4. Tune In to What My Body Wants
After a few bites, I check in with myself. Do I still want more, or am I good? Sometimes, just a couple of bites is all I need, and I feel completely content. Other times, I realize I’m still enjoying it, so I keep going! Giving myself permission to stop or keep going—without rules—is so freeing.
5. No More “Should” and “Shouldn’t”
Here’s a big one: I’m letting go of all those “should” and “shouldn’t” labels around holiday treats. This season, I’m letting myself eat what I want and enjoy it, plain and simple. When I do that, I’m so much more present and happy with my choices. Is that little voice telling me to feel guilty? I tell it to “shut it” (as kindly as possible) and give myself permission to enjoy!
6. Embrace the Memories
Holiday food is about so much more than eating. Every bite can bring back memories of past gatherings, family traditions, or a favorite holiday recipe. When I really allow myself to soak in these memories, I feel a deeper connection to the people I love. It’s like each treat carries a piece of the past, and that’s something to be grateful for.
7. End on a Thankful Note
When I’m done, I take a moment to just feel thankful. Thankful for the flavors, and the memories, and for allowing myself to savor this moment without strings attached. It makes the whole experience feel complete and leaves me with a sense of joy rather than guilt.